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1.運輸?shù)奈锲吩谂_面上盡可能的分布均勻防止偏載,并禁止超載運行。升降平臺不允許載人和裝運易燃易爆等危險物品和禁止在升高時人員攀爬以及人為搖晃。Lift manufacturers to remind that the transport of goods on the table as far as possible the distribution of uniform to prevent partial load, and prohibit overloading operation. Lifting platform does not allow manned and shipment of flammable and explosive and other dangerous items and prohibit the increase in personnel climbing as well as human shaking.

2.工作前將防護欄兩端的活動門關(guān)牢鎖死后鳴鈴起動,嚴(yán)禁在防護欄活動門敞開不關(guān)閉情況下工作,在升降平臺行駛中如遇特殊情況可使用急停開關(guān)目的停止升降平臺運行,但在正常運行中,禁止使用急停開關(guān)停車。Work before the fence at both ends of the movable door lock ring fastened after starting, is strictly prohibited in the fence door open not to close the case, the lifting platform running in exceptional circumstances such as the use of the emergency stop switch to stop lifting platform operation, but in normal operation, the prohibition of the use of the emergency stop switch to stop.

3.升降機工作時候嚴(yán)禁離開崗位和對升降平臺進行揩拭、潤滑或者修理等操作工作.當(dāng)工作完畢后,司機應(yīng)切斷電源,鎖上控制盤才可離開崗位,并填寫好司機交接班記錄。When the lift is working and to prohibit leaving post or repair operations such as wiping and lubrication of the lifting platform work. When the work is finished, the driver should cut off the power supply, the lock control panel can only leave the post, and fill out the log driver.

4.在每日工作前必須認(rèn)真檢查升降機的電器系統(tǒng)、液壓系統(tǒng)以及機械系統(tǒng)是否正常,是否有故障,并將升降平臺上下空載試行數(shù)次,檢查有無故障和不正?,F(xiàn)象,還必須注意升降平臺臺面停層站準(zhǔn)確度有無顯著不正常的差距等等可能存在問題的地方。The lifting platform manufacturers that, in daily work must be carefully checked before the elevator electrical system, hydraulic system and mechanical system is normal, if there is a fault, and the lifting platform under no-load trial several times, check the fault and abnormal phenomenon, we must also pay attention to the lifting platform station stop layer accuracy have no significant abnormal gap may be a problem where.

5.按下“上升”或“下降”按鈕,使升降平臺工作臺正常升降。如果工作平臺不動,應(yīng)立即停機進行檢查防止安全事故的發(fā)生。Lift manufacturers to remind, press "up" or "down" button, so that the lifting platform of the normal lift platform. If the work platform does not move, should be immediately stopped to check to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents.

上一篇:升降平臺廠家告訴你升降機維護常識        下一篇:升降機廠家跟你探討一下升降機保養(yǎng)思路
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