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Cargo lifter crack safety valve for cargo lifter cracking valve from the valve body, spring, slide valve and retainer composed of the body of the cavity has a compression spring, compression spring and a slide in the cavity of the slide valve is connected, is embedded in the top of the spool valve body by a collar stop, the slide valve is provided with a through hole, the bottom of the spool as the plug, the cavity and the valve body inlet and outlet connected. Close to the fuel tank near the oil port (also made port) at the air-cracking valve, when hydraulic lines ruptured and import plug valve seal, cutting off the flow of oil leaking cylinder to prevent the tubing sudden drop uncontrolled rupture accident.

Once cargo lifter pipeline rupture, resulting in decreased when cargo lifter too fast, quick closing valves crack, a throttling state, the slow decline in cargo lift table to ensure the safety of persons and equipment, which play a security role. Crack crack valve for safety valve hydraulic lifting platform overloaded by the body, spring, slide valve and retainer composed of the body of the cavity has a compression spring, compression spring and a slide in the cavity slide valve connection, fitted at the top of the spool valve body by a collar stop, the slide valve is provided with a through hole, the bottom of the spool as the plug, the cavity and the valve body inlet and outlet connected. Close to the fuel tank near the oil port (also made port) at the air-cracking valve, when hydraulic lines ruptured and import plug valve seal, cutting off the flow of oil leaking cylinder to prevent the tubing sudden drop uncontrolled rupture accident.


上一篇:如何對電氣進(jìn)行檢查?        下一篇:升降平臺廠家介紹吊籠下緩沖彈簧的作用
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