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Cargo lifter with a hydraulic system as the main power unit, normal lift operation. When cargo lifter hydraulic system has two or more actuators, in order to make the two actuators according to certain sequence of actions, it requires the use of sequential valve.
Cargo lifter working bodies of the sequence of actions can be used to implement a variety of control methods, such as mechanical, electrical and hydraulic, etc., sequence valve is hydraulically sequential operation control valves. Cargo lifter sequence valve also has direct-acting and pilot-type two, the structure and works with AIDS valve, safety valve similar. Import oil through the axial hole lead on the spool to the bottom of the valve body, and it is set spring force equilibrium. Import oil pressure falls below the set pressure of the spring, the spool cutting out the oil, imported oil is higher than the spring when a set pressure, the valve lift, turned out the oil. Higher cargo lifter sequence valve sealing requirements, longer length of seal oil slide valve in order to avoid leakage and cargo lift mechanism sequence of actions affecting reliability. Sequence valve discharge port of the working oil pressure, and therefore the spring chamber drain line should be drawn directly back to the tank, but did not like mayonnaise valve in the valve and back to the oil port phase. Differences in the structure and function symbols AIDS valve cargo lift is a separate drain port, export is secondary pressure oil passage, do not take the tank.
The latter application methods cargo lift to order valve cylinder driving drill drilling is completed to return the end, the oil pressure increases, the sequence valve opens, so the cylinder moves, drive for cutting tools.

上一篇:升降機(jī)引擎啟動(dòng)困難的原因        下一篇:分析引起機(jī)械振動(dòng)的原因?
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